Friday 6 November 2015

Check List Self Assessment

Have I done them?
1)      Analysis of 5 websites per criteria
Yes this work has been completed.  Here is the link to each Bitesize -
1) Purpose paragraph – what is the purpose of the brief you are doing?
2) Audience – who is the audience for your website?
 3) Content – you must have a mindmap, moodboard, wireframes
 4) Production plan – use the PPT sent to help you create a Gantt chart.
I have done a purpose paragraph here is a link to it
The audience part of LO2 has also been completed to a satisfactory standard
The content section of my blog has got a completed moodboard on it , my completed
Unfortunately most of my wire frames have been completed but they have not been scanned and uploaded to my blog  
The Production plan AKA the Gant Chart is linked here.
1) Full annotation of wireframes to justify choices against audience
2) Information flow – how dies the audience navigate and get to where they want to be?
3) Legal and ethical – what assets will you need? Regulatory bodies and libel copy/data protection? Intellectual property rights – do you have/need copyright clearance for all assets?
I have completed some of the wireframes, unfortunately I still have quite a few to complete and then I need to scan them all.
I have completed the information flow, but still need to scan it onto my blog.
I have not done the legal and ethical
1) Relevant launch date, plan for feedback
2) Budget based on professional rates, timescales, costs such as hosting
3) Potential revenue, for example, advertising space, sponsors etc.
I haven’t done any of these




1)       Relevant launch date, plan for feedback

2)       budget based on professional rates, timescales, costs such as hosting

3)       potential revenue, for example, advertising space, sponsors etc.

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