Monday 28 September 2015

HTML coding, what I have learnt

We have learnt about how you use triangular brackers when filling in web coding

These are the basic tags for HTML coding -

<html>      This stands for Hyper Text Markup this is essentially the language that  is used for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.
<head>     This is basically the start or heading of a piece of text, this is essentially the title piece for your article or the prologue, for your text.

<style>      This is basically used to deffine style iformation and how you want your coding to render within a browser.

</style>      Anything with a slash before it means you are ending the the current tag so for style this is what you use once you have decided the style that you want your head at.

<title>        This is the title of the document

</title>       This again is the command you use once you have filled out the title tag with the information that you want.

</head>      This is for once you have finished the head, and filled out all the information that you want within it.

<body>        This is about all the other content in HTML that you want to fill in including paragraphs.

<p>      This is the start of a paragraph, between this and the next command you fill in all of the text that you would like to use.

</p>      This is the end of the paragraph and is what you use once you have finished filling in the paragraph that you have just started. This means that you are finished with the text you have filled out.

</body>       This is to show that you have finished filling in all your other content.

</html>      This is what you use once you have finished all of the HTML coding that you want which is part of the coding that you want to add.

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